Week: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Read the listed assignments for a given day before the lecture for that
WEEK ONE: August 26 - 30
M) Course Introduction
W) PAL: Life of Washington, pages 1-23
Thoroughly and thoughtfully review this syllabus and visit the class web page at http://www.indiana.edu/~bestsell before your first section meeting, esp. the Weekly Written Assignments section
Submit your
self-introduction for Week 1
F) Discussion Sections - turn in signed copy of “Course Agreement on Plagiarism and Cheating” (this can be found on the final page of the syllabus) to your discussion section leader
WEEK TWO: September 2-6
M) Labor Day: NO CLASS
W) ER: Uncle Tom's Cabin
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #1
WEEK THREE: September 9-13
M) Charlotte Temple, pages xxxxi-62; ER: “Novel Reading,” pages 71-74
W) Charlotte Temple, pages 65-120; complete weekly written assignment on the web by noon
Submit your question and answer for Week 3
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #2. {Connection Papers due on Life of Washington or Uncle Tom's Cabin}
WEEK FOUR: September 16-20
M)ER: Quaker City, pages 287 - 345
W) ER: Quaker City, 346 - 402; complete weekly written assignment on the web by noon
Submit your
and answer for Week 4
Click here for a summary of the
of the story
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #3 {Connection Papers due on Charlotte Temple}
WEEK FIVE: September 23 - 27
M) ER: Ten Nights in a Bar-Room, pages 651-706
W) ER: Ten Nights in a Bar-Room, pages 706 - 750; complete weekly written assignment on the web by noon
Submit your
and answer for Week 5
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #4 {Connection Papers due on Quaker City}
WEEK SIX: September 30 - October 4
M) Ragged Dick, chapters 1 - 17
W) Ragged Dick; chapters 18 - 27 ; no weekly written assignment this week
F) Discussion Sections. {Connection Papers due on The Nights in a Bar-Room}
Everyone must turn in at least one Connection Paper by this date
WEEK SEVEN: October 7 - 11
M) ER: The Secret of the Old Clock, pages 1-94
W) The Secret of the Old Clock, pages 95-210; complete weekly written assignment on the web by noon
Submit your
and answer for Week 7
F) NO Discussion Sections - Fall Break
WEEK EIGHT: October 14 - 18
M) Peyton Place, pages 1 - 128
W) Peyton Place, pages 129 - 186; complete weekly written assignment on the web by noon
Submit your
question and answer for Week 8
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #5{Connection Papers due on Ragged Dick of Secret of the Old Clock}
WEEK NINE: October 21 - 25
M) Peyton Place, pages 187 - 289
W) Peyton Place, pages 290-372; complete weekly written assignment on the web by noon
Submit your
and answer for Week 9
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #6.
WEEK TEN: October 28 - November 1
M) The Godfather, chapters 1 - 10
W) The Godfather, chapters 11-13; complete weekly assignment on the web by noon
Submit your
and answer for Week 10
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #7 {Connection Papers due on Peyton Place}
WEEK ELEVEN: November 4 - 8
M) The Godfather, chapters 14 - 23
W) The Godfather, chapters 24-32; complete weekly assignment on the web by noon
Submit your
and answer for Week 11
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #8
WEEK TWELVE: November 11 - 14
M) Misery, Book I chapter 1 thru Book II chapter 5 - Look up and be able to identify
W) Misery Book II chapter 6 thru Book II chapter 17; complete weekly web assignment by noon
Submit your
and answer for Week 12
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #9 {Connection Papers due on The Godfather}
WEEK THIRTEEN: November 18 - 22
M) Misery, Book II chapter 18 thru Book III chapter 18
W) Misery, Book III chapter 19 to the end; complete weekly written web assignment by noon
Submit your
and answer for Week 13
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #10
WEEK FOURTEEN: November 25 - 29
W) Holiday Break
Submit your
and answer for Week 14
WEEK FIFTEEN: December 2 - 6
M) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, chapters 1-9
Submit your
and answer for Week 15
W) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, chapters 10 - 17; complete weekly written assignment on the web by noon
F) Discussion Sections with Quiz #11 {Connection Papers due on Misery}
WEEK SIXTEEN: December 9 - 13
M) Lecture: “Why Study Literature?”-Thinking through what we have learned together
F) Discussion Sections
{Connection Papers due on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone; everyone must turn in a second Connection Paper by this date}
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