L111 American Best Sellers
Honor Agreement
In taking this course, I agree to avoid all forms of plagiarism and cheating in the execution of the course's various assignments.
a) Simply defined, plagiarism is taking credit for ideas or work that is not your own. It involves including ideas or phrases in your paper which did not originate with you and then not giving credit to their source. When in doubt, always cite sources for material which is not your own. It is fine to use the work of others if you credit it as their work. Plagiarism is a serious offense. Any student caught plagiarizing will fail the course. Do not take this shortcut. If you are having problems with an assignment go to your Associate Instructor or the lecturing professor for help. If you have any questions about what might constitute an instance of plagiarism be sure to consult with your instructor before you submit a final draft of your paper.
b) If you are citing quotations from a one or two texts from our class reading, simply place the author's last name and the page number of the text in parentheses after the quotation. Never have a quotation in your paper which does not have some sort of page number or citation along with it.
c) If you are using secondary sources, please footnote the source giving: author, title, publisher, copyright date, and pertinent page numbers. With this kind of complete footnote, bibliographies will not be necessary.
d) Students will also be held accountable for any instances of
on exams or quizzes, as well as lending papers for others to copy and
as their own work. Infractions will lead to a failing course
Such cheating may include, but is not limited to:
-using notes to answer exam or quiz
-looking onto someone else's work to
enhance your own
-verbally (or in writing) exchanging
knowledge with another student during an exam or quiz
-writing a paper, or portion of a paper,
for another member of the class
I, the undersigned, do acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the above outlined standards.
Print Name: __________________________________
Sign Name: __________________________________ Date: __________________
Students who are found guilty of cheating will receive a failing
for the course.
Last Updated: 7/13/19
URL: http://www.indiana.edu/~bestsell/honor.html
Send Comments and Suggestions to: pgutjahr@indiana.edu
Copyright 2019, The Board of Trustees of Indiana